Tech Topic Connection
What is an Operating System (OS)? Bigelow of the source What’s stated “An operating system is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer” (S. Bigelow, 2023, para. 1). Information Technology is the basics and create the works for computer operating systems. The conclusion for experts in the Information Technology world is to create and expand on software and hardware that make it easier, faster, and more reliable for the public. To develop a well structured Operating System it takes a person who is well diverse in the products of Computer Science. To help create the future of the Information technology world, the past and mistakes have to be well observed. To break the boundaries of Operating Systems, referring to the basics will create a well structured blueprint to follow.
The biggest and most used Operating Systems in todays time frame are Windows and macOS, for mobile it is Android and iOS. Which ever Operating System you use the conjunctional hardware need to run an efficient operating system will need an accelerating Central Processing Unit (CPU). A reliable CPU allows an Operating System to perform up to its expectations. An Operating system is a big Software program, writing and receiving code for other applications. Most Operating Systems these days run on the C powered language. Munoz from from toptal gave a reference “Many of the C projects that exist today were started decades ago…its code was rewritten in C in 1972” ( D. Munoz, para. 1-2).
Application software works hand in hand with a Computer/mobile devices’ operating system. The role of the Operating System acts as the back bone for the programs and applications to attach to, sending and receiving data and code from each other to help transition from each program. One specific program and function that the devices operating system creates is file management. From Windows to Linux to macOS the file storage and how data is saved are different. Latiyan of tutorialspoint described the differences of major manufacturers operating systems and file storage; “The most notable difference one can notice is how they store the files in their file structure, like in case of windows, it follows a directory structure to store the different kinds of files of the user, whereas the Mac OS file structure is known as MAC OS X and when it comes to Linux the file structure is entirely different from Windows and Mac as it stores the data in the form a tree” (M. Latiyan, 2022, para. 2). The operating system can be a selling point to specific personnel. Having familiarity with certain operating systems can depict which device will be obtained by the user.
A computer or mobile device has a lot to work with. Being able to connect to the user is a priority when being developed and structured. With how these specific types of technology are being used these days the technology must apply to the needs of the consumers. Communication and being able to communicate from device to device is one example of how technology is being used, but being able to communicate requires a network to traverse with. These networks run a high risk of a security breach spreading to computers and mobile devices. These operating systems are programed and developed with some sort of firewall in order to maintain and prevent breaches of security.
Bigelow, S. J. (2023). What is an operating system (OS)? definition, types and examples. Retrieved from
Latiyan, M. (2022). Retrieved from
Munoz, D. (2015). Retrieved from
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