Network Security

 It is important for an individual or and organization to to have information and security awareness because it keeps the owner’s work and information protected. There are many ways a persons and/or organizations information can be reached. One way is by what is called a ping attack but more specifically; DDos attacks. From Imperva “A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to make an online service unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of its hosting server” (Imperva, para. 1). There are more than just ping attacks that can be a militias attack to users. A common militias attack that not many people recognize are email spams. Email spams are a type of phishing attacks resulting in the intent to gain access of a users email, passwords, or even personal emails via an email or text message. Having awareness of the information that is sent to a user is an important way to avoid  prevent personal information spillage. Not opening received links from unknown sources is a good step forward to prevent these spams and viruses accessing your device. Taking password security seriously is another to lower phishing scams. These spam emails can also lead to virus to the users computer/phone. Christine from BlackCloak gave a good point and said “Spam emails can appear to originate from friends or organizations but, in fact, are fake and malicious in nature” (C.Schaefer, BlackCloack, 2023, para. 1). Viruses are another popular security incident. The company Microsoft stated “A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk” (Microsoft, para. 2). One virus can impact multiple point of a computer. One way to prevent computer viruses are by downloading supported and recommended anti-virus software. These anti-virus software can help block, clean, and prevent accidental and unseen viruses. Another way to get rid of a virus is by manually deleting the software but if a person doesn’t know what to look for it can be a difficult objective. 


DDos Attacks (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 24 September 2023).

(N.d.). Retrieved from,everything%20on%20the%20hard%20disk.

Schaefer, C. (2022). Why spam emails are a threat. Retrieved from 


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