
Showing posts from October, 2023

Tech Topic Connection

  What is an Operating System (OS)? Bigelow of the source What’s stated “An operating system is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer” (S. Bigelow, 2023, para. 1). Information Technology is the basics and create the works for computer operating systems. The conclusion for experts in the Information Technology world is to create and expand on software and hardware that make it easier, faster, and more reliable for the public. To develop a well structured Operating System it takes a person who is well diverse in the products of Computer Science. To help create the future of the Information technology world, the past and mistakes have to be well observed. To break the boundaries of Operating Systems, referring to the basics will create a well structured blueprint to follow.  The biggest and most used Operating Systems in todays time frame are Windows and macOS, for mobile ...

Network Security

  It is important for an individual or and organization to to have information and security awareness because it keeps the owner’s work and information protected. There are many ways a persons and/or organizations information can be reached. One way is by what is called a ping attack but more specifically; DDos attacks. From Imperva “A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to make an online service unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of its hosting server” (Imperva, para. 1). There are more than just ping attacks that can be a militias attack to users. A common militias attack that not many people recognize are email spams. Email spams are a type of phishing attacks resulting in the intent to gain access of a users email, passwords, or even personal emails via an email or text message. Having awareness of the information that is sent to a user is an important way to avoid   prevent personal informati...

Computers in The Workplace

  With being in the military I have seen technology and computers being used every single day for various reasons. The biggest reason computers are a viable source for the military is with the communication aspect. Everybody has work to do but they can't get done alone. Being able to communicate with people within the building, across the street, and even across the globe is a must to ensure the work gets accomplished as quickly as possible. Maintaining computer literacy within my work force isn't the easiest but it is achievable. Our computers and resources are not like the regular off the shelf computers so we get a some problems every now and then. Being able to either problem solve the issues themselves or reach out to an IT specialist within the unit is something we have to constantly be ready for. A day without a computer is a day that we are not able to get the required work done and keep moving forward.  I believe within the next 10 years technology will grow immensely...