Traveling Through a Network
Ping Test : Links to an external site. (Universal Japan ) Traceroute Test: Links to an external site. (Universal Japan) The Ping and Traceroute diagnostic tools help aid a person determine if there is any packet loss with their current network. The Ping diagnostic tool is a transmit and achieve function. When running a Ping function the device sends numerous amounts of packets to the desired web domain or host in a small dosage. In return that desired host will send ping back to your device with the same amount of packets that were sent. The desire end goal will show the amount of time in milliseconds how fast your receive a response back, thins being a persons latency. The faster the latency the better the connection between the two devices. A traceroute diagnostice tool is more of a map to help show and provide the network connections. The traceroute is a route that shows every stop the and desti...